Petrochemical Industry

Pneumatic Conveying;Product Drying;Control Cylinder


Air Curtain

Use the Compressed air as an air curtain to create a safe, clean area.

Control Cylinder

Controls the equipment in the manufacturing process by controlling the cartridge and Compressed air.

Air Compression

The air must compress before it piped for other uses. In many cases, the compressed gas reduces the amount of storage space required.

Pneumatic Conveying

Chemical products can transport safely and economically through a single compressor or vacuum pump and a central control system. Dust-free, thus ensuring lossless delivery, simple piping design, and ensuring that delivery materials do not deteriorate.

Material Handling

Use a Compressed air system in a volatile environment without the risk of explosion.

Nitrogen Generation

Creating nitrogen gas Through a membrane that filters the Compressed air.

Product Drying

Compressed air and products blended to speed up the drying process.
